The LGA Board of Directors is excited to host the 2025 Spring Conference in person at the Omni Charlottesville, April 24-26, 2025.
Online registration opens March 13. You may also register by completing the printable registration form and mailing with payment or emailing it to staff. Full conference registration includes socials: Thursday opening night party, Friday awards banquet, and hospitality suite. If you plan to attend these socials, please let us know on the registration form so that we can plan accordingly.
Below is a brief tutorial video on how to use the new registration system, including how to add guests and multiple members to a single registration. If you have any problems or questions, please contact Christy at christy.jenkins@easterassociates.com for assistance.
If you prefer written instructions, you can access them HERE.
Room Block:
LGA has negotiated a room block with rates starting at $199 per night. The room block will close Wednesday, April 2 at 5 pm, or once the block is full. REMEMBER – register then reserve! The room reservation link will be distributed in the registration confirmation email. NOTE: Our program begins Thursday afternoon, April 24 and ends Saturday afternoon, April 26.
Exhibit Opportunities:
There are a limited number of tabletop exhibit spaces available; rates are $550; after April 9, there is an additional late registration fee of $50. To inquire about available exhibit space contact Christy Jenkins at christy.jenkins@easterassociates.com.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
LGA appreciates our conference sponsors for their generous support. Consider becoming a dual program sponsor and enjoy more benefits! For more information on opportunities, contact Christy Jenkins at christy.jenkins@easterassociates.com.
Student Scholarships:
Law student and law fellow scholarship applications are available for LGA spring and fall conferences. Applications are due three weeks before the conference start (April 3). Please encourage your office’s law student interns, externs, and post-graduate law fellows to apply. Please contact Tara Mooney, Law School Liaison and Scholarship Committee chair at tmooney@pwcgov.org, with any questions, or contact staff.
Friday Afternoon Activities:
LGA is planning several area activities on Friday afternoon, April 25. Stay tuned for more information.
Important Documents:
- Online Registration (available March 13)
- Printable Registration Form
- Hotel Room Reservation Link will be distributed in registration confirmation email.
- Cancellation Policy
- Registrant List: A registrant list will be made available at the start of the conference.
- Presentation Download: Presentations will be made available the week of the conference.
Help LGA Save Thousands of Dollars Per Year!
REMEMBER – register then reserve! MORE INFO HERE
The following has been approved for 9 MCLE.
2025 LGA Spring Conference | April 24-26 | Omni Charlottesville
Thursday, April 24
9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Spring LGA Board Breakfast, Meeting, & Lunch with Committee Chairs
1 – 1:15 p.m. Welcoming Remarks
1:15 – 2:45 p.m. General Session A (1.5 MCLE)
Legislative Update
Daniel N. Whitten, County Attorney, County of Fluvanna
Wade T. Anderson, Division Counsel, County of Prince William Public Schools
David Blount, Deputy Director, Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission
Michelle M. Gowdy, Executive Director, Virginia Municipal League
Panelists will provide an update on the results of the 2025 General Assembly session and the veto session, highlight bills impacting the practice of local government law, and discuss important issues coming out the session.
2:45 – 3 p.m. Annual Meeting
3 – 3:30 p.m. Break
3:30 – 5 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 1 & 2 (1.5 MCLE)
The Great GASB – Navigating Local Government Finance and Taxation
Catherine B. Lea, Town Attorney, Town of Orange
Leah D. Han, Deputy County Attorney, County of Hanover
Michael W.S. Lockaby, Member, Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
This session combines practical advice and real-world scenarios in a discussion designed to help you ensure legal compliance, and effectively advise your clients regarding Comp Board appropriations, GASB issues, school budgets and appropriations, and the intricacies of managing litigation liabilities and debt compliance and bond covenant compliance for localities navigating financial and taxation processes central to local government operations.
OSHA and VOSH – Administrative Framework for Enforcement of Workplace Safety Standards
Lisa A. Robertson, Assistant Division Counsel, County of Prince William County Public Schools
Alfred B. Albiston, Litigation Manager, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
Brandi A. Law, Senior Deputy City Attorney, City of Hampton
Panelists will discuss the relationship between the regulations and standards of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as implemented within the Commonwealth of Virginia through the Virginia State Plan, and the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Program administered by the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry. This presentation will provide an overview of the relationship between the State Plan and the VOSH Program and will describe the processes and procedures used by VOSH to investigate and enforce occupational and health standards within local government workplaces, fines that apply to public entities, and procedures for informal resolution conferences and appeals from citations.
6 – 7 p.m. YLGA-hosted Happy Hour
7 – 9 p.m. Opening Night Party: Three Notch’d Craft Kitchen & Brewery
Friday, April 25
8 – 8:50 am Practice Group Meetings
8:30 – 9 a.m. Breakfast
9 – 10:30 a.m. General Session B (1.5 MCLE)
The Basics of Virginia Governing Bodies: Meetings, Rules of Procedure, and Actions
Matthew C. Freedman, City Attorney, City of Lynchburg
John C. Blair, City Attorney, City of Staunton
Courtney R. Sydnor, City Attorney, City of Hampton
Panelists will discuss the basic requirements applicable to meetings, rules of procedure, and actions of local governing bodies and other public bodies in Virginia. The panelists will also address and discuss methods to help local government attorneys navigate through conflicts among governing body members. This presentation is designed for the new local government attorney but will also serve as a refresher to the experienced local government attorney.
10:30 – 11 a.m. Break
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 3 & 4 (1.5 MCLE)
Risk Management– Why Does It Matter in Local Government?
Anthony R. Bessette
Tracey Dunlap, Director of Property/Liability Claims, Virginia Risk Sharing Association
John S.Honeycutt, Partner and Owner, Lucas & Kite, PLC
Lisa A. Robertson, Assistant Division Counsel, County of Prince William School Division
Panelists will discuss the management of legal and financial “risks”, as part of public bodies’ operations, using appropriate insurance coverages, and by attention to commercial contract clauses intended to shift risks in ways unfavorable to public entities. Panelists will discuss the importance of understanding their public bodies’ insurance coverages, of working with insurance providers to ensure that public officials and employees receive appropriate education and training, and the need for attorneys to scrutinize contracts for boilerplate provisions intended to shift risks to public bodies (which may result in unintended waivers of legal rights or immunities, or violations of Article VII, Section 10 of the Virginia Constitution (the ‘Debt Clause’).
Employment Law and Virginia Local Governments: The Basics, Grievances, and Collective Bargaining
Jeremy E. Carroll, Member, Spilman, Thomas & Battle, PLLC
Jeremy E. Carroll, Member, Spilman, Thomas & Battle, PLLC
Meghan S. Roberts, Deputy City Attorney, City of Alexandria
Timothy R. Spencer, City Attorney, City of Roanoke
Panelists will discuss employment law issues concerning discipline and discharge relevant to Virginia local governments, including employee investigations, procedural due process, progressive discipline, grievances and other employee rights, and collective bargaining, among others.
12:30 — 1 p.m. Awards Reception
1 — 2:30 p.m. Awards Banquet
(Offsite for afternoon activities)
8 — 10 p.m. Hospitality Suite
Saturday, April 26
8 – 8:50 am Practice Group Meetings
8:30 – 9 a.m. Breakfast
9 – 10:30 a.m. General Session C (1.5 MCLE)
Cybersecurity: Risks to Virginia Localities
James L. Windsor, Member, Kaufman & Canoles, P.C.
Laura M. Carini, Deputy City Attorney, City of Roanoke
Joseph A. Dickinson, Member, Kaufman & Canoles, P.C.
Panelists will discuss data privacy and cybersecurity challenges facing local governments today. Speakers will share real-life experiences from recent cyberattacks, transactional due diligence cases and regulatory compliance struggles. They will also discuss the alarming rise in ransomware threats, wire fraud and some of the vulnerabilities in local government systems. Attendees will gain valuable insights into identifying and protecting sensitive citizen information and understanding the practical aspects of implementing best practices to enhance data privacy and cybersecurity policies and compliance controls. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to safeguard your municipality in an increasingly valuable and risky digital landscape.
10:30 – 11 a.m. Hotel Check-out Break
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 5 & 6 (1.5 MCLE)
Hot Topics in Law-Enforcement – Balancing Technology and Privacy
April R. Wimberley, Deputy City Attorney, City of Charlottesville
Sau Chan, Deputy City Attorney, City of Charlottesville
Michael P. Kochis, Chief of Police, City of Charlottesville
Karla J. Soloria, Assistant City Attorney, City of Norfolk
Panelists will discuss the practical usage and benefits of the latest law enforcement technology, the Fourth Amendment and other Constitutional concerns raised by such technology, recent litigation surrounding Flock cameras, and the challenges of adopting new technologies and considerations regarding public education and engagement.
The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and Blight
Bonnie N. Brown, Deputy City Attorney, City of Alexandria
Emily C.R. Bittner, Senior Assistant County Attorney, County of Chesterfield
Anne Ligon, Assistant City Attorney, City of Hampton
Kimberly Mikel, Building Code Official, City of Hampton
Panelists will discuss blight, unsafe structures, building code requirements, enforcement procedures, remedies, and present example case studies, including the enforcement measures taken to address a multifamily apartment complex in Hampton, such as enforcement in General District Court and injunction. The panel will also discuss relevant updates to case law.
Thank you to our sponsors for their support of LGA education. If you are interested in sponsoring the 2025 LGA Spring Conference, please contact staff.
LGA thanks our early conference supporters: